Atty. John Morgan’s Case on Smoking Medical Marijuana

The debate as to whether the use of medical marijuana is legal or not is still ongoing. However, many states are already supporting and legalizing the use of medical marijuana for a variety of illnesses. The State of Florida is one of the states where using medical marijuana for certain medical conditions is legal. Before 2016, medical cannabis recommendation in Florida was only for those terminally ill patients and those with epilepsy.
2016 Constitutional Amendment
Last 2016, a constitutional amendment regarding medical marijuana was approved by Florida voters. This is known as the Florida Amendment 2, also known as the Florida Medical Marijuana Legalization Amendment.
With this amendment, proponents seek to legalize the use of medical marijuana for other chronic conditions such as cancer, glaucoma, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis, among others, if a marijuana doctor in Florida believes that such use can help alleviate the suffering of the patients. Intake of medical cannabis can either be through vaping, pills, sprays, or oils but not smoking.
2017 Implementation
Upon the implementation of the Florida Amendment 2 in 2017, smoking medical cannabis was banned entirely, although other forms of taking it was allowed in public places. At that time, legislators stated that smoking medical cannabis did not have any medical benefit and measuring dosage levels was almost impossible.
Atty. John Morgan sued the State for not allowing the smoking of medical cannabis in private. He and other proponents have argued that voters know what they voted for, which was the right to smoke medical cannabis in private.
2018 Ruling
On May 25, 2018, the courts favored Atty. Morgan and issued a ruling. The State appealed against this ruling. Typically, when there is an appeal, the ruling will be put on hold. But, the judge who issued the ruling lifted the hold so as not to make patients wait longer.
Bernard Cannabis Center conducts Medical Cannabis Evaluations in Florida to help patients determine if such option is the best one to take in their situation. If you decide to pursue this option and would like to know more information, kindly give us a call at 1-866-7DR-WEED.
Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.
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