A Case for the Legalization of Smoking Medical Marijuana

At Bernard Cannabis Center, we want to keep our customers updated regarding the latest innovations, news, and events involving medical marijuana. We also want to keep our customers to be enlightened of the different benefits that marijuana can bring, to dispel any misconceptions that they may have about medical marijuana, and we also seek to provide reliable medical cannabis evaluations in Florida.
In the State of Florida, the medical marijuana amendment has been passed. This amendment allows clients with multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cancer, HIV, AIDS, epilepsy, glaucoma, Parkinson’s disease, or other debilitating medical conditions to legally use medical marijuana.
However, Attorney John Morgan, a well-known lawyer and medical marijuana amendment supporter, has sued the State of Florida over the use of medical marijuana. More specifically, Atty. Morgan sued the State for refusing to allow suffering clients to smoke medical marijuana. He contends that while the amendment states that smoking medical marijuana in public could be banned, it should be assumed that smoking medical marijuana in a private setting would be legal. As quoted, Morgan states that, “It doesn’t take a genius to figure out if smoking isn’t allowed in public, it must be allowed in private.”
Does smoking medical marijuana bring benefits?
While there are other ways to ingest medical marijuana (e.g. through edibles, capsules, suppositories), there are potential benefits of smoking it. For example, smoking medical marijuana provides the client with the opportunity to adjust its dosage for maximum benefit. After all, when you smoke medical marijuana, the result is almost immediate – as you smoke it, medical marijuana is immediately taken into your lungs and quickly absorbed through your capillaries and into the bloodstream. Effects can be felt within minutes and it reaches its peak within 10-30 minutes.
This fast-acting effect of smoking medical marijuana makes it a more attractive choice for clients who wish to relieve their pain and symptoms as fast as possible.
Presently, Atty. Morgan is still keeping up with his fight and is continuing the process towards the legalization of smoking medical marijuana.
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